If you aren't familiar with the modalities I use in my practice, I want to give you as much information as you would like. I've included brief explanations of my primary modalities, along with links for even more information.
I am happy to answer any questions over the phone, as well!
BCST is a healing art that works with the energies that create and maintain health in the human system. While not a manipulative therapy, it has its roots in osteopathy and has evolved to include influences from human development, pre and perinatal psychology, trauma resolution, and recent advances in neuroscience.
BCST supports nervous system regulation and allows the resolution of conditions resulting from stress and trauma. Practitioners use an educated, gentle, non-invasive touch to engage with the expressions of health in the system.
Learn More: https://www.craniosacraltherapy.org/
LDT is a gentle technique that works through the body's interstitial and lymphatic system to activate the body's liquid circulation and stimulate the functioning of the immune and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Learn More: https://chiklyinstitute.com/home and https://klosetraining.com/
The body is a living record of its history, good and bad, functional and dysfunctional. With our hands we can find the “imprint” of traumas, and facilitate its release, which allows for the self healing mechanisms to take over. The body then heals itself.
Wholistic Manual Medicine is founded in the profound acknowledgment of the body’s tremendous inherent ability to heal and the science of how that happens.
Learn More: http://academywmm.com/